CCS Home | Saturday, March 15, 2025
The SAC has assembled a policy and prodecure plan for the CCS community. Please see the file icon links listed below.
The Substance Abuse Council (SAC) is an organization serving the community for over 7 years. Realizing our mission to educate the church and school community about substance abuse and to provide information, direction, and support to those affected we hope to achieve greater community health through the prevention and reduction of substance abuse. The council is recognized by Alberta Health Services as a registered coalition.
The mandate of the committee was to create a drug/alcohol policy, to develop a guide for dealing with policy violations and to take a proactive approach in educating the students and school community about drug and alcohol use and abuse. The council members continue to be available to members of the church and school community as a resource. The council maintains a section in the school library with resources for both students and parents.
The Substance Abuse Council was organized in 2005 at a time when there were many questions about the availability and dangers of Crystal Meth in the community. The committee was appointed by the school board with representatives from the staff, board, Alberta Health Services and community members from each of the three NRC congregations.
During the first meetings the committee was named the Substance Abuse Council, a committee mission statement was written and a policy was created. Over the past couple of years the council, along with school administration, has dealt with a couple of policy violations. Once the students have completed the process, the council reviews the steps in the policy and makes adjustments as needed. Providing education resources to staff and students, seeking out funding opportunities and reviewing the policy and procedure annually are some of the other responsibilities of the council (both are listed below).